Want to heal your relationship with food for GOOD?

Lose That Stubborn Weight,
Get Over Those Mood Swings & Hormonal Imbalance,
& Gain Unlimited Energy and Passion Back For Life...

... WITHOUT Falling for The Same Old Ways That Bring ZERO RESULTS?

Join The Waitlist!

Joining the ELEVATEHER waitlist now to receive exclusive updates, early access, and special discounts.

Want to get your libido & passion back FOR GOOD?

 Lose That Stubborn Weight,
 Get Over Those Mood Swings & Hormonal Imbalance,
 Gain Unlimited Energy and Passion Back For Life...

... WITHOUT Falling for The Same Old Ways That Bring ZERO RESULTS?

Hi, I'm Gabrielle, and like you, I know what it's like to feel bloated and live with chronic pain; wishing you could flip the script and go back to those days when you felt young, vibrant, full of energy, and PASSIONATE about Life! 

You don't need to feel helpless.  Here's what I want for you... ...


Don't let the pain of past trauma around food,  control your life.

Would you like to:

➔ Lose Weight Permanently?
➔ Have  Energy & Passion?
➔ And Most importantly, FINALLY END THE WAR with Your Body?

If you answered YES, I'm thrilled to have you here. You see, after getting rid of my chronic illness, depression, and excess weight gain due to lifestyle and addiction, I've dedicated my life to research, study, and practical applications that help people just like you reclaim your relationship with your body, your health, and therefore your life—BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE—and I help you build a foundation so you NEVER fall backward again. 

But how can you achieve being in the best shape of your life, with endless energy and a passion for living a life you love, when nothing has worked for you in the past?

It's about following the right strategy, making amends with your relationship to your body, and being guided step-by-step, so you see results every step of the way! This program is unlike anything you've tried before.

Relationship with Food 

This is one piece that most diet fads, including fasting and advanced protocols, MISS. Understanding your relationship with food and your body is KEY in achieving your health goals.

Feel Alive In Your Body

Bio-Individuality is REAL. There is no one-size-fits-all diet. In this program, I offer the food & supplement portion and the MINDSET & Self-Love exercises necessary to transcend patterns keeping you stuck.

Transformational Support

In this program, you receive LIVE weekly group coaching, which ensures you're digesting the material and hitting the marks. We have a private community forum and 1:1 private coaching available.

Quick Results  FEEL AMAZING

It's proven that the best results manifest when you follow the right formula for success. You can choose menus and protocols specific to your goals and body's bio-individual needs.

100% Natural, Delicious, GUILT-FREE Foods

Eating healthy is NOT boring. It's filled with flavor, cellular, and soulful nourishment. We have many recipes to support your journey, whether plant-based or carnivore, that support any food sensitivities.

PASSION For Life & Love

The best part is what happens when we FINALLY feel safe, happy, and healthy in our bodies. We have PASSION for LIFE again! And LOVE. This is how we create a life we enjoy and escape the trap of mediocrity.

Want to know why most of the diets you've probably already tried DIDN'T work?

Regular diets don't work because:

➔ they don't address your relationship with food or your body

➔ they offer a one-size-fits-all solution

➔ they overlook a basic understanding of nutrition and bio-individuality

➔ they lack support, so you give up on yourself and your goals.

This program gets amazing results because:

➔ we address the core belief structures and help unravel what's holding you back.

➔ we offer multiple menu plans, supplement protocols and recipes to accommodate bio-individual goals and nutritional needs.

➔ we dive deep into the foundation of whole food nutrition so you have a lifelong supply of building blocks to keep moving forward.

➔ we offer support to ensure you hit your goals and achieve new levels of transformation.

And what about the 3 common myths that
will keep you from achieving your health & wellness goals?

You have to deprive yourself to lose weight or get results

This is SO FAR from the truth. It's about quality. There's a difference in foods' nutritional content. How you relate to it (creativity in making meals) determines how yummy it tastes. 

If you simply push through with willpower, you'll get results.

Again, completely false. Willpower only takes you so far. The journey's next leg is about your relationship with the goal. Understand your relationship and you immediately multiply your chances of success.

There's one diet solution for everyone.

This one-size-fits-all narrative is one of the biggest misconceptions in health and wellness. Bio-individuality is a key factor, which means your unique blueprint requires a unique approach. In all my years of coaching & mentorship, I have never created the same protocol twice.

Imagine what it will feel like as:

  • Your body starts to feel alive again—Limber, fluid, flexible, and energetic.
  • Your energy levels stay level throughout the day, and you can get everything done without feeling completely drained at the end of the day.
  • You enjoy deeper sleep and wake up refreshed, ready to tackle the day.
  • Your libido comes back into the swing, and you no longer feel a lack of luster for life and love.
  • Your confidence and self-esteem are rooted in a deep sense of self-love and self-worth.

What would it be worth to you to feel like you were in control of your health again, fully alive and living your best life?

Here's what it's meant to others...

Kristen Walsh

For a substantial part of my life, I struggled with PMS, anxiety, sleep issues, and a feeling of powerlessness.  Gabrielle taught me about food not in and of themselves but rather as a vehicle for empowerment, freedom, and self-love. She has nurtured my self-esteem and ability to believe in my choices and, ultimately, in myself.


Sarah Wragge

Having Gabrielle as my coach took my game to the next level. With her knowledge, guidance, and love, I pulled myself out of the depths of adrenal fatigue, completely changed my relationship with food, got my cycle back after 3 years of not having it, and got pregnant. As a coach myself, I was able to learn from her throughout my journey and have implemented many new things into my clients' lives.

Christina Gerczak

I struggled with digestion, weight gain, anxiety, joint pain, and hormonal issues for as long as I can remember. Since starting Gabrielle’s program, I have had more energy than I have had in years, and I am crushing all my goals in life and in my sport of riding horses. I have felt stuck both physically and mentally for so long and I finally feel like me again. Starting this program has truly given me a second chance at a happy, healthy life! 

Jordan Manfredi

We reconnected with Gabrielle after receiving an unmanageable diet plan from a naturopath. Instead, Gabrielle presented us with practical while promoting health for the mind, body, and spirit. Within a month of working with Gabrielle, my husband's blood work showed astounding improvements, and our overall well-being vastly improved. We cannot recommend Gabrielle enough. Her genuine, humorous, enthusiastic, compassionate, and loving guidance has been an incredible gift to us.

By the end of this ELEVATEHER program, you'll be:

  • Full of energy, passion, and a new zest for life.
  • Educated on your bio-individual needs with a solid foundation to keep moving forward.
  • The closest you've ever been to being in the best health of your life.
  • A happier, healthier person with a clear roadmap for the future and how to live your best life ever.

Let's take a look at what's inside

Module 1: Ritual of Self Care

This is where we set the foundation for loving ourselves. We explore body image issues, emotional eating, addictive patterns, mirror work, and how to set the stage for success from within. 

Module 2: Nutrition 101 + Mindset

An initial look at menu plans, supplement protocols, and how to effectively structure your day to fuel your body and mind. Getting rid of blood sugar drops and cravings, and education into our agricultural food system. Continuing the relationship with your Ritual of Self-Care, deepening your exercises in radical Self-Love.

Module 3: Nutrition 2.0 + Mindset Mapping

What does it mean to detox? How can you safely and effectively detox based on your lifestyle and bio-individual needs? We'll explore superfoods and more advanced protocols to cleanse, repair, and build. Fortify your Ritual of Self-Care and set your mindmap to ensure success.


Module 4: Hormone Health + Goal Tracking

This is an intricate look at the various organs involved in our hormonal system, your life phase, and how you properly nourish your body based on age. It takes 66 days to set a new habit. You are three months into the program and are now tracking your progress. 

Module 5: Supplements & Food Labels + Tailored Plans & Protocols

We are demystifying the food and supplement industry. Get ahead of the trends and know what the statements and ingredients mean on labels—advanced supplement protocols for targeted results—phase 2 of menu plans to support your bio-individual needs.

Module 6: I Am Whole

Everything we have learned over the last six months will be streamlined and brought together. You have built an incredible foundation. Now, it is about ensuring the details have longevity so you can keep compounding results on your goals. 

Recourse Library: 

You have lifetime access to Gabrielle's signature recipes, various menu plans and protocols, recorded videos of our weekly live coaching calls, research links, and special coupon codes for Gabrielle's favorite companies that are only available for participating in this program.

* PLUS *

I am throwing in some BONUSES to ensure you get results and feel supported in every aspect of your health & wellness.

Bonus 1

You will have private access to Gabrielle's BRICK Method app, so you can access the course material at any time, anywhere. 

$100 Value

Bonus 2

Masterclass on the Sacred Feminine and reclaiming your creative fire. Learn how to release trauma and feel safe in your body. 

$300 Value

Here's what's included in

With this program, you'll get:


2. Three 1:1 SESSIONS WITH GABRIELLE (Value $1800)

3. LIBRARY OF RESOURCES - menu plans, protocols, recipes, and more (Value $6000)

4. PRIVATE COMMUNITY FORUM when the program is live (Value $600)

5. BONUS 1 PRIVATE APP so you can access the material anywhere you have a signal (Value $100)

6. BONUS 2 MASTERCLASS on the Sacred Feminine (Value $300)

7. LIFETIME ACCESS and all upgrades over the years (Value - priceless)

Total Value = ($19,800)  

Your Cost for six months? $19,800 

ONLY $2400 - a 90% Savings and...

Less than $14 per day.

Join The ELEVATEHER Waitlist

Joining the ELEVATEHER waitlist now to receive exclusive updates, early access, and special discounts.

I've Still Got Questions

No problem - check out the most frequently asked ones below...

Are You Ready To Empower Your Wellbeing & Embrace Your Best Life?

This is your moment. There are no rules, only choices. YOU are the only one who can choose you. No one else. If you crave to feel alive and amazing in your body, full of vibrant health and a passion for life, then this program is for you. You are worth the effort. Dare to love yourself radically and claim the life you've always wanted. 

I'll see you on the inside!

👉 Get On The List for The Next Session 👈

Are You Ready To Empower Your Wellbeing & Embrace Your Best Life?

This is your moment. There are no rules, only choices. YOU are the only one who can choose you. No one else. If you crave to feel alive and amazing in your body, full of vibrant health and a passion for life, then this program is for you. You are worth the effort. Dare to love yourself radically and claim the life you've always wanted. 

I'll see you on the inside!

👉 Yes! I'm Ready